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Showing posts from June, 2020

How Powerful is Russia?


Tim Cook : Be a Builder

Stanford is near to my heart, not least becauseI live just a mile and a half from here. Of course, if my accent hasn’t given itaway, for the first part of my life I had to admire this place from a distance. I went to school on the other side of thecountry, at Auburn University, in the heart of landlocked Eastern Alabama.  You may not know this, but I was on the sailingteam all four years. It wasn’t easy. Back then, the closest marina was a three-hourdrive away. For practice, most of the time we had to waitfor a heavy rainstorm to flood the football field. And tying knots is hard! Who knew? Yet somehow, against all odds, we managedto beat Stanford every time.  We must have gotten lucky with the wind. Kidding aside, I know the real reason I’mhere, and I don’t take it lightly. Stanford and Silicon Valley’s roots arewoven together. We’re part of the same ecosystem. It was true when Steve stood on this stage14 years ago, it’s true today, and, presumably, it’ll be true for a while l...

Boris Johnson - First speech as Prime minister

  Good afternoon. I have just been to see Her Majesty the Queenwho has invited me to form a government and I have accepted. I pay tribute to the fortitude and patienceof my predecessor and her deep sense of public service. But in spite of all her efforts, it has becomeclear that there are pessimists at home and abroad who think that after three years ofindecision that this country has become a prisoner to the old arguments of 2016 andthat in this home of democracy we are incapable of honouring a basic democratic mandate. And so I am standing before you today to tellyou, the British people, that those critics are wrong.  The doubters, the doomsters, the gloomsters– they are going to get it wrong again. The people who bet against Britain are goingto lose their shirts because we are going to restore trust in our democracy and we aregoing to fulfil the repeated promises of parliament to the people and come out of the EU on October31 no ifs or buts. And we will do a new deal, a bet...

R. Madhavan - Bollywood Actor

  So, first of all , thank you very much forhaving me here at the Inspire Series. It’s worked dramatically, I’m alreadyinspired to be addressing this really August intellectual gathering of people from Harvard,a place that my mother thought I will never reach. But you know what, lot of people have spokenbefore me and eloquently and described their dreams for India and given figures and factsthat either are skeptical and like, Mr. Omar says, aspirational. But I’m just an actor and I’m going tojust give you my dream shamelessly, because that’s the thing that I can do best. And by that, I mean when we talk of dreamswe have one of our greatest scientists and philanthropists Dr. Abdul Kalam, and he saidsomething which is very interesting. He said, “Dreams are not what you have whenyou sleep. The true dreams are the ones that don’tlet you sleep”. He said, “When you have that dream onceit’s a dream; when you have it twice it becomes a desire. And when you see it for the third time consecu...

Nelson Mandela - Late revolutionarist

 Ladies and Gentlemen. This may very well be our last official visit to the United States before retiring from office next year. There could not been a more moving start to the visit than one which included being honoured in this way by one of the great educationalinstitutions of this nation and of the world. I know that through this award you are notso much recognising any individual achievement, but are rather paying tribute to the struggles and achievements of the South African people as a whole. I humbly accept the award in that spirit,while at the same time wishing you to know that we are not unaware of nor unmoved bythe great compliment you pay us by conferring this degree at a specially convened Convocation. To join George Washington and Winston Churchillas the other recipients of such an award conferred at a specially convened Convocation, is notonly a singular honour. It also holds great symbolic significance:to the mind and to the future memory of this great American inst...

David Beckham - Former British Footballer

 MARVIN CHOW: Ladies and gentlemen, ladiesand gentlemen, please welcome Mr. David Beckham. MARVIN CHOW: Nice to see you, Sir. How are you? Wave. DAVID BECKHAM: Morning. MARVIN CHOW: Have a seat. Have a seat. Welcome. Welcome to Google. So let's kick off, no pun intended, with alittle soccer. Or, for our international friends, football. You know, you David, you really have had aglobal soccer career. I mean, you joined Manchester United at theyoung age of 17. You won 9 major trophies in 11 years there. Very impressive. You then joined Real Madrid where you wonanother trophy, and then since 2007, you've been here in the U.S. playing for the LA Galaxy,where last year you won yet another trophy. And I think that puts you in a very rare groupof trifecta winners of three trophies on three different countries. So congratulations. DAVID BECKHAM: Thank you very much. MARVIN CHOW: And then obviously, while preparingto meet you last night, I read even more news last night. The big news tha...

Jennifer Lopez

 Daniel: Jennifer, thank you so much for joiningus here today. Jennifer: Thank you. Daniel: Your new movie, Second Act takes onsome pretty meaty workplace topics. Jennifer: Yeah. Daniel: The idea of your career being feelingstuck or barriers, either real or internal, they’re stopping people from getting towhere they want to get. You have a million projects going on. There’s so many different things you cando. Why is this a story that you wanted to tell? Jennifer: I just feel like it’s every person. Somebody says, “Oh, it’s the every girlor the every woman,” but it’s every person. There’s a time in all of our lives wherewe want to get ahead, where we have an ambition, where we want to do more, where we want tosucceed further. And sometimes we hit a wall and we don’tknow how to get past it. And we realize at the end of it, hopefully,you get to the point where you realize the only thing that’s stopping you is you. And you can break through any barrier. But sometimes that’s a long road...

Keanu Reeves - Global Actor and Motivational speaker

 And there is only one Laurence "The Fish"Fishburne! Fierce! Thank you so much for being here, LaurenceFish and for your kind, gracious, over the top words. Your support, your love... It has been an honor and a privilege to havethe chance to work with you and I am so grateful for your friendship, mentorship, spirit, souland wisdom that you share with me. I am so grateful. Thank you, man. You are amazing! You are the best of the best. Laurence Fishburne. To the TCL, the Chinese Theater... It is a great honor to be here and to be invitedto this remarkable, historical, magical place. To be included amongst all of the incredibleartists who have made their mark here over the past ninety-two years, to be a part ofthis Hollywood tradition started by Sid Grauman all those years ago and which continues tothis day. I thank you. I thank you very much. To Lionsgate, I thank you for your supportand the opportunity to be here. Thank you Joe and to all involved at Lionsgate. I am very grate...

Michael Jordan - Tribute to kobe Bryan

 I'm grateful to Vanessa and Bryan family forthe opportunity to speak today. I'm grateful to be here to honor Gigi andcelebrate the gifts that Kobe gave us all – what he accomplished as a basketball player,as a businessman, and a storyteller and as a father. In the game of basketball, in life, as a parent– Kobe left nothing in the tank. He left it all on the floor. Maybe it surprised people that Kobe and Iwere very close friends. But we were very close friends. Kobe was my dear friend. He was like a little brother. Everyone always wanted to talk about the comparisonsbetween he and I. I just wanted to talk about Kobe. You know all of us have brothers and sisters,little brothers, little sisters, who for whatever reason always tend to get in your stuff, yourcloset, your shoes, everything. It was a nuisance – if I can say that word– but that nuisance turned into love over a period of time. Just because the admiration that they havefor you as big brothers or big sisters, the questio...